Saturday, December 5, 1998


It seems that you're gone.
It seems that we're through.
It seems I might finally be getting over you.

It seems I'd be happy.
It seems I'm okay.
It seems like today should have been a great day.

A wise man once said:
"Life's not always as it seems."
And now this may very well be true.
For I sit, and I wonder: do I still miss you?
I find I can't answer.
I find I don't know.
I find that I wonder:
Do I still love you so?

If I did see you;
If we did speak;
Would my feelings return,
or would they stay weak?

Should I live there,
or should I stay here?
And if I did move,
would we hold each other dear?

These questions I ask, as I think and I ponder.
These thoughts I do feel as I sit and I wonder.

How shall I decide?
It will determine my life.
How can I know?
You have such influence over how it could go.

Someday I'll know.
Someday I'll decide.
Someday I'll be able to take control of my life.
Someday the door will reopen.
Someday I will love.
Someday I'll be happy.

When will Someday come?

-Jeffrey Grimm Blake, December 5, 1998